2016 Calendars have arrived!

Front cover of 2016 Calendar

At long last the 2016 Calendars have arrived!

This years theme isn’t really much of a theme, it’s really just photos from our travels in the first half of this year.  It does mean all of the photos are really up to date!

As you may or may not know, I’ve been putting together calendars for a few years now however this is the first year I’ve actually bulk ordered from a printer rather than just making them available through Redbubble.  It was a bit of a scary process to go through for the first time but the end result was worth it.  The print quality is fantastic and it means it means I can get them to you at a substantially lower cost.

Back cover of 2016 Calendar

The calendar contains 12 photos from our travels across three different continents (not including Australia), plus front cover and inside cover photos.  The date pages contain Australian public holidays and important dates as well as school dates for all the different states and territories, and has moon phases marked.

So to make sure this gamble pays off I need you all to buy lots and lots of them so I can do it again next year, possibly even with multiple designs…

To get yours, follow this link: 2016 Calendars


Edit: If you are not in Australia (or even if you are) you can order them from my Etsy store for international (or local) delivery.


The Echidna Challenge

Ever tried to get a photo of an Echidna? It’s quite a challenge. Taking a photo of a ball of spines is all good but as with most animals, it’s just not right without the eyes. So after spotting this one and getting the initial ‘proof of sighting’ photo I set about trying make an image that really worked without scaring it away. This is what I came up with…


There are more photos of Echidnas in my Australian Wildlife Set on flickr.